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Coronavirus Message

woman covering mouth with mask

Dear Patients, Families & Friends,

As a member of your local community, we are deeply concerned about the health and wellbeing of our patients, families and our Lake Dental.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) presents a unique set of challenges for dental providers and our community that must be addressed. We wanted to let you know that we will be taking additional safety precautions to help reduce the risk of transmission and ensure that our patients, families and our team remain safe.

It is business as usual and our rooms will remain open unless advised otherwise by the federal/state government or by a governing body.

We recognise that some of these precautions may be a temporary inconvenience, but please be assured that your health is our number one priority.
Changes that will be implemented in our office will be put into place immediately and will continue until April 18, 2020 unless modifications to this date are deemed necessary.

Our practice is turning into a PATIENT ONLY practice.

  • Only patients and (if necessary in the case of younger patients) one accompanying adult should enter the practice. Siblings, grandparents and friends should remain outside in their vehicles.
  • For patients that are having a procedure that requires you to have a driver, we ask that your driver remains in the vehicle until your procedure is complete. At that time one of our team will call your driver to have them come inside so that instructions may be reviewed with them if necessary.
  • Patients will be asked to present for their appointments at their regularly scheduled time, not early. If a patient is early or late, please call us as soon as you can so we can advise what is best.
  • If you have travelled outside of the country recently or have been in contact with someone that has, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment.
  • If you or a family member has recently been sick with a fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat we ask that you please reschedule your appointment.

Environmental cleaning and disinfection policy:
Our policy and procedures have not changed due to COVID-19.

  • We have always used and will continue to practice under Universal Precautions and under guidelines provided by the ADA and QIP national accreditation standards which mandate cleaning and disinfection protocols for all surfaces in our patient lounge, reception area, treatment rooms and bathrooms.
  • We also ask that you wash your hands on arrival and use the hand sanitiser provided. All magazines and newspapers will be removed to avoid any contamination, until further notice. The same for any books and toys that would usually be available.
  • We use a bacterial, viricidal, fungicidal and tuberculocidal disinfectant recommended for dental operators, hospital surgical rooms and respiratory therapy equipment.

We want to thank you for your understanding during this unprecedented time. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our friendly team on (07) 3879 8999 and we will be more than happy to discuss any questions further.